We work closely with women, and men, to uncover the cause of their hormonal imbalance. Often, we sees patients who are disenchanted with conventional medical approaches of band-aiding their problem with oral contraceptives or simply being told that there is no solution.
Today is the day to change yourself for the better.
Comprehensive Nutrition & Dietetics Clinic
Our pure and powerful supplements are made to stand out in a market of overpriced alternatives.
Well-being for all
Take care of your body. The only place that live
Helping people manage anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness.
Organic Recipes
Organic Recipes
Nutrition Strategies
Nutrition Strategies
Improving Health
Improving Health
BMI Calculator
BMI Calculator
- Reboot using nutrition, detoxification and advanced healing strategies
- Create positive change in your body, mind, career, relationships, and all areas of your life
- Access deep levels of transformation at your own pace, as often as you choose
- Move from “surviving” into “thriving”. Finally stop “fixing” and start living
What We Offer
Our Diet & Nutrition Services
Readiness and collaborations for future pandemics, not just in neurological.
Work with us, and you’ll quickly learn that Ativo Team has a true passion for quality programs and long-lasting.
Readiness and collaborations for future pandemics, not just in neurological.
Work with us, and you’ll quickly learn that Ativo Team has a true passion for quality programs and long-lasting.
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.
Helping people manage anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness.
Your body changes, but your life doesn’t have to
t’s normal to encounter mood disturbances during menopause. With changes to the body, many experience stress, anxiety, irritability, and depression. Symptoms like sleeplessness and hot flushes can contribute to this.
Your body changes, but your life doesn’t have to. Your Juniper doctor will work with you to determine the best treatments and lifestyle changes to help you feel like you.
What night sweats are
t’s normal to encounter mood disturbances during menopause. With changes to the body, many experience stress, anxiety, irritability, and depression. Symptoms like sleeplessness and hot flushes can contribute to this.
Your body changes, but your life doesn’t have to. Your Juniper doctor will work with you to determine the best treatments and lifestyle changes to help you feel like you.
Are my mood swings normal?
t’s normal to encounter mood disturbances during menopause. With changes to the body, many experience stress, anxiety, irritability, and depression. Symptoms like sleeplessness and hot flushes can contribute to this.
Your body changes, but your life doesn’t have to. Your Juniper doctor will work with you to determine the best treatments and lifestyle changes to help you feel like you.
What you can do
t’s normal to encounter mood disturbances during menopause. With changes to the body, many experience stress, anxiety, irritability, and depression. Symptoms like sleeplessness and hot flushes can contribute to this.
Your body changes, but your life doesn’t have to. Your Juniper doctor will work with you to determine the best treatments and lifestyle changes to help you feel like you.
We develop health programs that give opportunities to become more efficient and focused on your goals.
We specialize in developing personalized plans to treat all your nutrition-related needs including Weight Loss, Sports Nutrition, Digestive Disorders, Eating Disorders, Hormonal Imbalances, Fertility, Food Intolerances, and Diabetes Education. Unlike many other nutritionists, we cater our plans to fit your unique lifestyle and medical needs.
Calculate Your BMI
BMI calculator generates the number of calories your body burns per day at rest.
BMI Calculator Chart
Your BMR with activity factor is the number of calories your body burns per day based on the activity factor you selected.
Weight status
Here to listen, learn and manage your symptoms.
Whenever you need us.
Dr. Joanna Sharp
BSc(Hons), MBBS(Hons), FRACGP
Dr. Hallie Albert
Dr. Rod Baber
Dr. Joanna Sharp
BSc(Hons), MBBS(Hons), FRACGP
Dr. Hallie Albert
Dr. Rod Baber
Dr. Joanna Sharp
BSc(Hons), MBBS(Hons), FRACGP
Thomas Bradley
What we've heard
“The only nutrition program that I found reliable, easy to follow & supremely effective. We develop health programs that give opportunities to become more efficient and focused on your goals. If you don’t look on yourself and think, ‘Wow how stupid I was a year ago,’ then you must not have learned much in the last year.
If you don’t look on yourself and think, ‘Wow how stupid I was a year ago,’ then you must not have learned much in the last year.
Provocative and inspiring, this book will completely change your nutritional habits if you don’t look on yourself and think and lifestyle!
Dr. Martin’s new paradigm will change the way we think about food and save us thousands of dollars in health care costs!
Yüksek miktarda (yüzde 40’dan fazla) madde kaybı olan dişlere uygulanan restorasyon yöntemidir. Kuron uygulamaları ile madde kaybı meydana gelmiş, birden fazla yüzeyinde çürük bulunan dişler özel materyaller ile kaplanır. Bu uygulama ile diş hem restore edilmiş olur, hem de dişte tekrar çürük meydana gelmesi önlenir.
Süt dişleri, ağızda kendilerinden sonra çıkacak olan daimi dişler için yer tutucu olarak görev yaparlar. Çürük veya travma nedeniyle oluşan erken süt diş kayıpları komşu dişlerin, kaybedilen dişin boşluğuna doğru kaymasına yol açabilir. Sonuç olarak daimi dişlerin gömülü kalmasına veya çapraşık olarak çıkmasına neden olabilir.
Fiziksel aktiviteler, çocukların eğlenmelerini sağladığı gibi öğrenmelerine ve sağlıklı bir şekilde gelişebilmelerine de yardımcı olur. Bu aktiviteler sırasında kazalar da sık sık meydana gelebilmektedir. Ayrıca henüz yürümeye başlayan çocuklarda denge ve koordinasyon tam sağlanamadığı için düşme sonucu küçük kazalarla çok sık karşılaşılır.
Çocuk hastalarda farklı sebeplerle diş tedavileri sırasında uyum sorunu yaşanabilir. Küçük yaştaki çocuklar, çevresel veya bireysel sebeplerle diş tedavileri sırasında korku duyabilir. Tıbbi sebeplerle uyum sorunu yaşayan veya korkan çocuk hastalarda sedasyon veya genel anestezi gibi yöntemler kullanılabilmektedir.
Koruyucu ortodontik tedavi, önleyici ortodontik tedavi ve düzeltici ortodontik tedavi olarak 3 ayrı aşamada yapılabilmektedir. Koruyucu ortodontik tedavi çocuk diş hekimliği uzmanlarının ilgilendiği bir alandır.
Erken çocukluk çağı çürükleri, 6 yaş ve altındaki çocuklarda sık görülen bir diş problemi olup, genellikle biberonla beslenme veya emzirme sonrasında ağız hijyeninin ihmal edilmesi sonucu ortaya çıkar. Çürükler, tedavi edilmediğinde çocukların genel sağlığını olumsuz etkileyebilir ve ilerleyen yaşlarda daimi dişlerde kalıcı hasara yol açabilir. Bu nedenle, erken tanı ve tedavi, çocuğun ağız sağlığını korumada kritik bir öneme sahiptir.